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Cantadas de Navidad

This album contains a selection of three cantatas by Francisco Corselli, maestro of the Royal Chapel of Madrid, accompanied by instrumental works by José de Nebra and Nicola Porpora. They are works of great beauty and virtuosity written for the Christmas of the royal family.


Ana Vieira Leite, soprano

Alberto Miguélez Rouco, alto


Ensemble Los Elementos

Miserere a 8

The Miserere a 8 is one of José de Nebra's most important sacred compositions, along with his Vespers and Responsories for Christmas and Epiphany. Written for the Holy Week of the Royal Chapel in 1750, it combines elements of the austere Spanish polyphonic tradition with the language of the Italian music prevalent at court. It consists of a succession of double chorus numbers and arias, together with Gregorian chants interspersed in the alternating verses. It requires an instrumental organ of considerable size, with strings, oboes, flutes, horns and basso continuo, as well as a large group of singers, divided into soloists and ripienos.

In February 2023 we perform it in Basel for the first time since the 18th century, together with other sacred passion works by José de Nebra.

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