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Una misa en la Real Capilla - Festival de Saintes

Di., 16. Juli



Una misa en la Real Capilla - Festival de Saintes
Una misa en la Real Capilla - Festival de Saintes

Zeit & Ort

16. Juli 2024, 21:00 – 22:10

Saintes, 11 Pl. de l'Abbaye, 17104 Saintes, Francia

Über die Veranstaltung

Los Elementos makes its French debut at the prestigious Festival de Saintes on the 16th July 2024


José de Nebra and Francisco Corselli were two of the most important composers in Spain during the 18th Century. They both worked at the Royal Chapel in Madrid, writing many works to supply the archive with new music. In this programme we present Nebra's 6 voices mass "Servite Domino in Letitia" written in 1754 for Ferdinand VI and Bárbara de Braganza. This central piece is surrounded by solo cantatas by Francisco Corselli and instrumental works by Nebra.

Jaia Nurit Niborski, Jehanne Amzal, solo sopranos

Alberto Miguélez Rouco, solo alto and musical direction

Alberto Palacios, tenor

Yannick Debus, solo bariton

Santiago Garzón Arredondo, bariton

Ensemble Los Elementos

Claudio Rado, Jaume Guri Batlle, violins

Elena Abbati, viola

Giulio Padoin, violoncello

Giulio Tanasini, doublebass

Olga Marulanda, Linda Alijaj, oboes

Pablo FitzGerald, archlute

Deniel Perer, harpsichord


· Preludio: Sinfonia, from the Sinfonia en sol menor (ca. 1740s) by José de Nebra

· Kyrie from the Misa a 6 Servite Domino in lętitia (1754) by José de Nebra

· Gloria from the Misa a 6 Servite Domino in lętitia (1754) by José de Nebra

· Gradual: Sinfonia, from the Sinfonia en Do mayor (ca. 1740s) by José de Nebra

· Credo from the Misa a 6 Servite Domino in lętitia (1754) by José de Nebra

· Ofertorio: Cantata for contralto Rompa señor, mi acento (ca. 1740s) by Francesco Corselli

· Sanctus: Misa a 6 Servite Domino in lętitia (1754) de José de Nebra

· Elevación: Despacio, from the Sinfonia en sol menor (ca. 1740) by José de Nebra

· Agnus Dei: Misa a 6 Servite Domino in lętitia (1754) by José de Nebra

· Comunión: Cantata for soprano Hueco laurel frondoso (ca. 1740s) by Francesco Corselli

· Himno: Ave Maris Stella a 4 (1761) by Francesco Corselli

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